Clearflow PONDGEL is part of the Clearflow Group Gel Flocculant family. Nearly two decades of industrial experience and hundreds of field applications have yielded improved water quality that is now available for home use. PondGel reduces suspended solids to clarify cloudy, green, or dirty water, control phosphorus, lower maintenance costs, and increase filter efficiency. This environmentally, fish, and animal-safe product comes in a purpose-made diffuser for easy use. Treat your water, then remove and store the PondGel for next time. With Clearflow PondGel, you are on your way to a more aesthetically pleasing water feature.
How Can PondGel Benefit Me?

Create healthy spaces
Create healthy-looking and vibrant spaces. From ponds to water features to aquariums, Clearflow PONDGEL helps create healthy environments with added aesthetic benefits.

No cloudy afterlook here
Unlike other pond cleaners, PONDGEL doesn’t create cloudy, just a clean, healthy look you can be proud of (Think about how happy your fish will be!)

We’re proudly fish friendly
Clearflow PONDGEL has undergone extensive testing to ensure its safety. Effects on embryos, fry, adult fish, and aquatic invertebrates have all been scientifically studied by a prominent limnologist at a major university, giving you complete confidence that our products will not harm the life in your pond.